(Post 4) Generating Film Ideas Sheet
In this task, we had to pick two numbers between 1 and 6 after certain letters, for example mine were:
At first we didn't know what the letters meant but shortly afterwards we were given a sheet which
displayed what the letters stood for and a table underneath them. This 6x6 table had different descriptions of items within them. C stood for Characters, L for Locations, S for Situations, O for Objects and W for When. As I got C33, I had to go 3 across and 3 down the table and resulted in "Two large spiders." for a character. L16 resulted in "A very deep well." as a location, S42 in "A mummy comes to life." as a situation, O56 an "Unexploded mine" and W66 as "Next year."
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C33, Two large spiders |
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L16, A very deep well |
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S42, A mummy comes to life |
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O56, An unexploded mine |
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W66, Next year |
The point of this is so that we get these features and put them together to create a plot of a film, here is the result of mine:
Genre: Action / Thriller
May 23rd, 2019. (next year, W66) The end of fossil fuels draws nigh as a result of the mass usage and over-production of them, a crisis is upon human civilization as one of things many people depend on is extinguishing. This has led to more mines being reopened and others being created, especially within the UK. An unexploded mine(O56) is found just south of London, within it's depths a golden, tomb like, box is found. In the box is a corpse wrapped in bandages, almost like a mummy. Before any further inspection can be made, the corpse springs to life, suddenly sitting up.(S42) The head of the corpse does a full rotation making cracking noises, it stares into the eyes of a miner and screeches while also letting out a thick purple fog, instantly killing all those who inhaled it. The fog spewed out of the mine and up into the atmosphere. Shortly after, volcanoes started erupting, frogs rained from the sky, rivers ran red. A curse has been let upon the world. This is not all, a giant well(L16) emerges from the Earth's crust and two giant spiders emerge from it(C33). The well is deep, very deep. It stretches far down into the Earth's mantle. Using gas masks, the golden tomb is inspected closer and a prophecy is engraved into the side. Stating that four heroes will overcome Onyxia, the Brood Matriarch, and Azazel, the Arachnid Lord, followed by an engraving of three heroes destroying a beating heart, found at the furthest depths of the well which will lift the curse, and save humanity. The rest of the film takes place within the giant well between the battle of the heroes and the spiders and them trying to get to the beating heart at the bottom.
Featuring; Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Nick Frost as the prophesised four heroes.
*This was deliberately made over-the-top and brutally action packed*
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