
Showing posts from March, 2019

Short Film Coursework: ROUGH CUT

ROUGH CUT IS HERE Improvements Required: -Audio -Better lighting and messed up resolution, will be fixed -Re-shooting of scenes for better flow and pacing -Faster editing, intro too long. Quality is poor due to change of sequence settings in file conversion - will make sure mistake isn't repeated. Wish to use a SLR camera to include 2 more shots.

Coursework Test Footage: Simple test of making things appear. Added an opacity fade as it's almost being generated rather than just appearing. There is supposed to be a high pitched sound effect that plays as the mug phases into existence however after exporting from premiere, it doesn't play. Apparently it's a problem to do with H.264 files. If this problem is to occur during the final version of the film, I am going to have find a solution. I attempted two different angles, one with a transition effect. The first being a still camera sat in one place, the second being a fast pan.