
Coursework Evaluation

Representation: Mise-en-scene - I created a short film which demonstrates an extreme result of being covetous which includes other sins based around the seven deadly sins from the bible. Others include “sloth” and “greed”. I attempted to portray this to the audience with the different uses of the micro elements of film form. The most prominent being character expression and costume. With costume I went with a smart shirt and tie however I wanted the costume to imply laziness and lack of care, so I had the shirt untucked, tie undone and wrinkled the shirt. This gives the “sloth” sin impression as the character looks lazy and unprofessional. This is emphasised with the setting of the introduction. An empty classroom at 4 o’clock, giving the impression the character is in detention. The use of setting is also found within the character’s bedroom, there are multiple shots demonstrating how messy the room is, the mess further implies that meaning of laziness and thus pushing the “sin” the...

Coursework Film FINAL CUT

EDIT: Video file in Blogger didn't work - Uploaded to Youtube here:

Short Film Coursework: ROUGH CUT

ROUGH CUT IS HERE Improvements Required: -Audio -Better lighting and messed up resolution, will be fixed -Re-shooting of scenes for better flow and pacing -Faster editing, intro too long. Quality is poor due to change of sequence settings in file conversion - will make sure mistake isn't repeated. Wish to use a SLR camera to include 2 more shots.

Coursework Test Footage: Simple test of making things appear. Added an opacity fade as it's almost being generated rather than just appearing. There is supposed to be a high pitched sound effect that plays as the mug phases into existence however after exporting from premiere, it doesn't play. Apparently it's a problem to do with H.264 files. If this problem is to occur during the final version of the film, I am going to have find a solution. I attempted two different angles, one with a transition effect. The first being a still camera sat in one place, the second being a fast pan.

Camera Shots

We experimented with different variants of camera shots after looking through and explaining each one. From that we created a compilation of different types of camera shots, as seen here:

Camera Transitions

In class we watched some examples of camera transitions and studied the most intuitive ones. After we watched  we wrote down the types of camera transitions and then applied some in a video we created.  <-- Our transition video. We used: - Invisible Cut. - Cut Away - Cross Cut - J Cut - Match Cut and a -Dissolve Match Cut.

Montage Sequence

In class we watched the Rocky Training Sequence and the Up opening scene which are montages that take place over an elongated period of time in the film, but displayed in a couple of minutes, with some cases being a couple seconds. We attempted to create something similar with a character doing something over a period of time, but condensed into a small montage using the inspiration from these examples.  <-- Rocky Montage.  <-- Up Opening Scene.  <-- The montage we created in class.